Extension of the Cemetery of the Misericordia Archconfraternity of Prato
The project for the expansion of the Cemetery of the Misericordia originates from the idea of the cemetery as a place of mourning, to strengthen its vocation as a place of custody awaiting resurrection, a place of trust and memory for the living. The elements that make up the project and represent its meaning, originate from the many cemeteries in history, aiming to evoke the sentiment of respect. The project intend to give sense of custody, finding its expression from an architectural point of view, hence, rejecting ornaments and preferring noble materials and pure forms. A space of reference for the living, at the same time the cemetery constitutes a collective heritage of great artistic-architectural value and represents "the real history" of the Misericordia. The respect due to the existing structure is the starting point for the entire design approach.
location: Prato
client: Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Prato
year: 2013
project cost: n.d.
services: Progettazione Architettonica (Concorso, 2° classificato)