Urban Regeneration of Macrolotto Zero
The urban regeneration concerns an area located within the industrial zone known as Macrolotto Zero located between Via Pistoiese and Via dell'Alberaccio. It is a set of disused buildings used in the past in the textile industry. The reuse project envisages the creation of a set of environments, spaces and units that can, as a whole, be considered a centre of excellence, not only for the production of high quality products, but also for illustration and marketing. The centre should bring together different specialities, from traditional textiles to clothing and fashion, representing a true creative district. The project envisages the reuse of almost all the buildings of the lot, with the exception of the one located along Via dell'Alberaccio, which will be demolished and rebuilt, to allow the construction of a basement for parking and the creation on the first floor of public spaces, such as a cafeteria and relaxation area. The memory of the wool mill is the inspirational theme of the project, the starting point for a reinterpretation of the past in a contemporary key. Past meeting present, which we find in the façades treated with ribbed cement matrices. The current windows have been overlaid with a new one with holes deliberately not aligned and sometimes emerging from the building.
location: Prato
client: Immobiliare Montim Srl
year: 2016-2017
project cost: €10.000.000
services: Architectural Design